"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest to
send out workers into his harvest field."
LUKE 10:2

There's Some Great News...
While the mission field in southeast Asia is huge - many of which have had little or no exposure to Christianity - we are making tremendous strides thanks to tireless work by missionaries and churches on the ground.
Tens of thousands of people are coming to Christ everyday in Asia alone!
But there's an issue...

There's Still a Great Need...
Despite the great numbers or people coming to Christ every day in southeast Asia, there is a great need... for leadership.
60% of new churches are being led by people with no formal biblical training! And those who are working the fields need reinforcements now!
This is where Lanna Theological Center comes in.
I know first hand the quality of education that is taking place at Lanna Theological Center and the quality of leaders they are graduating.