Scholarship fund
Provides financial aid to individual LTC students who cannot afford to attend

10 New Workers each year
Each academic year, LTC anticipates awarding 10 scholarships to students called to full-time ministry.
LTC wants to equip and send them back out into the harvest field. Would you consider sponsoring just ONE more?
For just $100 a month, you can prepare ONE.
If that is beyond your present ability, anything you can share will be added to the fund.
Cost of Attending LTC
The cost to attend LTC is $600 per term or $1200 per year and covers tuition, basic housing and food. A full scholarship for the full 4 years is only $4,800.
Giving Opportunities​
We are looking for new partners who would sponsor one student for a full scholarship. For $100 a month you can help train one more leader for the harvest in SE Asia.
You can choose to cover one student’s cost or give any amount the Lord lays on your heart by giving a one-time gift.

Support Lanna Theological Center through a donation to the Student Scholarship Fund
Your gift will help cover basic housing and food expenses for students attending Lanna Theological Center.