Desperate for something deeper
Vitaya was a young man searching for substance. He had grown up in a Christian home, went to a Christian Dormitory for school and attended church all his life. But, after high school he moved to the city and started to live as the world does. He and his friends were not interested in spiritual matters. Instead, they spent their money and time on having a good time…world style.
But, Vitaya knew in his heart that something was not right. After a while, he was desperate for something deeper, real and dependable. He decided to go in search of something real.
He started to attend church again. He joined the worship team and got involved with the youth group. Slowly, he came to realize that only Jesus offered substance. He decided to leave his job, friends, and lifestyle in the city and return home. He spent the year helping his parents in the fields. His home church had no pastor and the youth never attended church with their parents. His father was an elder, but as a farmer didn’t have the time or energy to reach out to the teens. Vitaya understood the struggle from both sides. He began to minister to the teens.
At the end of the year, the Church asked Vitaya’s father to step up and be the full-time pastor. He did. Seeing his father step into leadership motivated Vitaya to make a decision to prepare for ministry. He applied to a leadership training program in Chiang Mai. At the end of his first year there were some problems at the school and many students left. Vitaya began searching for a new place to study. A friend suggested Lanna Theological Center.
When Vitaya applied he shared his story with the LTC faculty. He told how his father and mother both were now pastoring the church and unable to find the extra jobs to support his education. When asked what his vision was, here is his reply: “ I see so many young people who are searching for truth. They spend their money and time on things of the world believing that having fun is the answer. But, I know that in the quiet moments, when they are alone, there is a hunger and a longing for something of substance. I want to go back out and be an evangelist among the youth of this society. I want them to know that what they are searching for is Jesus.”
LTC was pleased to give Vitaya a Scholarship. It did not take long for LTC Faculty to see his strengths. The Men’s dorm dad says that it already evident that Vitiya will be a strong leader for God.
God is calling young men and women like Vitaya and filling their hearts with a passion for the lost. The Harvest is READY! Will you join us in ask the Lord to send out more workers!